What’s needed to get a Florida Security Guard License

Getting a Florida security guard license is a safe career choice as there is high demand year-round.

The Sunshine State, is the third most densely populated state in the U.S. The state’s large local population combined with a tourism industry of 40 million visitors per year, creates an ongoing need for properly trained security guards.

The State of Florida requires candidates to successfully complete 40 hours of instruction and successfully pass a 2-hour test called the Unarmed Security Officer Class “D” license.

Florida Laws F.S. 493 & 5N-1
Use of Force 776LiabilityReport Writing
Patrol Techniques
Observation Techniques
Interviewing Techniques
Court Room Procedure
Crime Prevention Techniques
Emergency Procedures
Accident Prevention Techniques
Basic CPR, AED & First Aid Training
Crime and Accident Scene Protection
Fire Safety
Search Procedures  
Public Relations
Interpersonal Communications
Professional Communications
Access Control
Crowd Control
Traffic Direction
Fundamentals of Personal Security
Special Problems
Issues for Security Officer
Introduction to Non-Lethal Weapons
Defensive TacticsTerrorism Awareness
Required Course Subjects

Execupro Training Academy™ has built its reputation for quality service and professionalism in getting your Florida security guard license through the day-to-day interaction of its security practice. This interaction affords our students a practical and sensible means of daily communication and quality assurance in their training and certification.

We offer effective comprehensive security training and firearms certification (D and G license) as well as the yearly G-license requalification requirement. Our training solutions to meet the specific needs of each client. Through our standardized administrative process, we optimize the quality of training provided to you.

We recognize that times have changed, and while protective measures may have been taken for granted in the past, recent events and current uncertainties, have dramatically changed the way security is viewed today. Today’s security expectations have created the need for professional security services which address these needs.

Get your Florida Security Guard License and work as an armed or unarmed security officer today with Execupro Training Academy™

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